What is FUTURES™?

FUTURES: Financially Literate Kids for a Financially Literate Society™ is the groundbreaking
Financial Literacy Program that empowers students BEFORE High School—

to achieve their best success
AFTER High School.

Created by Ariel Education Initiative, this amazing K–8 financial literacy program is available
to anyone who is ready and able to help shape financially literate kids.

The price is FREE because Financial Literacy is PRICELESS.

Four Powerful Instructional Strands

This program has four scaffolded, stand-alone instructional strands: Personal Finance, Economics, Entrepreneurship,and Investing. FUTURES™ is designed so that the sequence for teaching strands is fluid. The program designers recognize that to teach the Investing strand requires prior knowledge. This content is found in the Personal Finance and Economics strands. Entrepreneurship is regarded as a self-contained strand; the concepts presented are self-contained from the other strands.

Depending upon your priorities, you may opt to dive deeply into one strand, pair several different sections from various strands together to compliment your ongoing curriculum, select fun activities to explore with your family—and every combination in between. With FUTURES™, the choice is yours!

How Can I Access the Futures™ Program?

The program price is FREE because Financial Literacy is PRICELESS.